It’s been a very interesting week at iApotheca Healthcare, and we’d like to thank everyone for the outpouring of support we received following our appearance on CBC’s Next Gen Den. The web-based series is a spinoff of CBC’s Dragons' Den, and is meant to be a launching pad for young entrepreneurs pitching start-ups and early stage businesses to the next generation of Dragons. For those who missed it, you can see the webisode here– in our opinion our amazing Spencer Turbitt and Ahmed Younis did a wonderful job of facing down the fierce and savvy dragons. Following the webisode we received encouragement from organizations and individuals alike, across our social media, through email and by phone. The response was overwhelming, and for all of those who came forward to share our story and wish us well, please know that it was very much appreciated. From the Spark Centre and Northumberland CFDC for their ongoing interest in our venture and their unfailing support, to all our other friends and family, the week truly reinforced our convictions that we’re lucky to be part of such a rich and dynamic business community. We would also like to thank CBC and the Dragons– the incomparable Michele Romanow, Michael Hyatt and Paul Miklas for making this such an incredible experience. As iApotheca continues to grow, we’ll do our utmost to give back to the communities that backed us on our journey, and we’re grateful every day for the support. Enjoy the webisode!