March was a fantastic month at iApotheca! Our March 9th appearance on CBC’s Dragons’ Den spinoff, Next Gen Den was a fantastic opportunity for us– we were so proud of the amazing job that Spencer Turbitt and Ahmed Younis did of pitching iApotheca to the dragons. Following that webisode, iApotheca received an incredible outpouring of support, both from a number of business development organizations that have lent us support along the way, and from a number of well wishers who have shown at every turn that they believed in the iApotheca team. Aside from the Next Gen Den, iApotheca team has also enjoyed excellent support from both the Oshawa and Peterborough business communities, from a wonderful article in the UOIT news and an interview with Spencer in the Spark Centre news, to a mention in Stu Harrison’s Business Beat on CHEX and a few kind words in Kawartha Now’s Over the Back Fence, by Lois Tuffin. We’d also like to thank College Pro for the fantastic article in their blog, which highlighted Spencer and Ahmed’s pitch beautifully! The team has also had a very productive month with research and development as we continue to work on developing the best pharmacy operations platform on the market. Digital healthcare initiatives have become essential to the future of strategic healthcare in Canada, and iApotheca’s commitment to exceptional quality and innovation has made the continued development of our suite of pharmacy tools that much more exciting. We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be hiring on four full-time employees in May, and that we have plans to implement our platform in a number of new pharmacies over the next couple of months. All in all, March was an amazing month for the iApotheca team, and we’re looking forward to our future growth– thank you for supporting iApotheca!