Welcome back! It's Day 8 of our content marketing challenge! Today's topic is content syndication. While this may not be the direction you decide to go, it's good to have a basic understanding of the topic.
Tomorrow we'll be right back at our content creation with some tips for writing headlines. So, let's get into syndication.
If you're looking to expand your reach, you need exposure. Syndication is a great way to do that; when you syndicate, you push your content onto third-party sites.
Your content can appear on these sites in full or as a short snippet or link. When done right, syndication can increase your views, audience and ultimately your revenue.
Your Syndication Plan
To get the most out of your syndication, you'll need... you guessed it... a plan. And the first step in your plan is to understand your goals. If you completed yesterday's mission, you've already got this covered to some extent, and that's great.
But let's dig a little deeper.
Say you're trying to get more leads to your website; you'll want people to visit your site and while they're there, it's a good idea to have them join your mailing list. You may have a particular article in mind you think will help convert your visitors, or inspire them to sign up for your list.
To do this, you may not need to syndicate the entire article.
Rather, you may want to syndicate your headline, or a small blurb from the content. Once you've done this, you can create a direct link to the content on your site.
This approach can work very well on social media platforms, particularly ones where you don't have a lot of room to be wordy. But if you're looking for increased awareness, you may get a bit more more involved. You may publish to an established, authoritative publication to attract new readers.
In cases like this, you generally get an author box where you can link readers to a specific landing page.
But no matter what you decide to do, it's important to choose the right partner for syndication. It's also important to understand the types of feeds your chosen partner will need.
As with any partnership though, you need to be clear on your goals going in.
Choosing a Syndication Partner
Once you're super clear on your goals, it's time to pick a syndication channel. There are free and paid options out there. Some of the better-known paid versions are Taboola or Outbrain.
On paid services, you pay by click; rates will range from 20¢ on up.
Be sure to research the industry to find the best paid and free syndication options for pharmacy. You can also opt for manual syndication, posting on sites like Medium, Reddit or Quora.
When posting anywhere, be sure you understand how the platform works. And that you have enough content to make it worth your time.
Your mission for today is to take a few minutes to clarify your content goals and decide whether syndication sounds like something that may work for you. if the answer is yes, spend some time researching syndication in the industry, as well as some syndication sites.
In order for syndication to work for you, you also need to be very clear on how to avoid any issues with duplicate content. You always want to get credit for your work and ensure your content meets all your marketing goals.
Tomorrow we're going to work on headlines. See you back here for Day 8!